

The link between the physician and the patient.

The main objective of the EuroEspes Medical Center's Nursing Service is to maintain direct contact with the patient and his family during and after the medical consultation, answering any questions that may arise regarding the patient's management, advice on care and the prescribed treatment.

Blood collection


Performing blood and fluid extractions, mainly for analytical determinations.

Blood pressure control

Blood pressure control

It is the measurement of the pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries. Its control and regulation is very important for our organism, since its alteration can cause serious health problems.



Test that allows us to assess the patient's hearing and determine whether the person hears well or not. Its purpose is to encode in an audiogram the alterations of hearing in relation to acoustic stimuli.

BM Test

BM test

It allows us to quickly measure capillary blood glucose. It is a simple test that consists of making a small puncture in the fingertip to obtain a drop of blood that is deposited in a glucometer. In a matter of seconds it gives us the blood glucose figure reliably. It is mainly used to detect sudden drops in glucose (hypoglycemia) and to control glucose levels in diabetic patients.



The electrocardiogram is the graphic representation of the heart's electrical activity and its main function is to facilitate the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, showing the heart rate, allowing the diagnosis of myocardial lesions, detection of arrhythmias and other heart ailments, evaluated by internists, cardiologists and medical experts.


Blood pressure Holter

This diagnostic test allows the recording of blood pressure figures continuously during a certain pre-established period of time by means of a holter. It is performed on an outpatient basis and usually lasts 24 hours. It is used to diagnose and follow up patients with arterial hypertension and/or cardiovascular problems.



It is one of the pulmonary function tests, whose interpretation does not allow us to establish a diagnosis, but it does make it possible to rule out ventilatory limitation. It also allows us to assess the response to treatment implemented by medical specialists.

  • Urethral Catheterization
  • Cura Minor Surgery
  • Home Blood Collection
  • Intradermal Injection
  • Hypodermic Injection
  • Intramuscular Injection
  • Intravenous Injection
  • Ear Washing
  • Voltage Tap
  • Home Voltage Testing
  • Tensional Control
  • Enema
  • BM Test
  • Bronchial Aspiration
  • General Electrotherapy
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Visual Acuity
  • Spirometry
  • Audiometry
  • Alzheimer's Prevention Protocol
  • Oxygen therapy
  • Holter Blood Pressure

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