

Nuestro Departamento de Neuro-Otorrinolaringología dispone de las técnicas diagnósticas más avanzadas y equipos de la más reciente tecnología, con los que ofrecer un diagnóstico preciso y los tratamientos más innovadores.

The incorporation of genetic studies in the study of otorhinolaryngological pathology is aimed at early diagnosis, establishing the prognosis and is decisive to guide an efficient pharmacological treatment.

Having our own laboratory specialized in clinical analysis allows us to perform tests and design specific panels, and obtain results on the same day, such as predictive markers for head and neck cancer, autoimmune diseases in Otorhinolaryngology, chronic infections or allergic studies.

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Protocolos diagnósticos de la neuro otorrinolaringología

Hearing and balance pathology

We have the equipment to perform from the most basic tests(tonal and verbal audiometry, impedance audiometry) to more advanced hearing tests, such as high frequency tympanometry, useful in the hearing diagnosis of infants; high frequency audiometry, for early detection of the onset of age-related hearing loss or otototoxic treatments or the GAP detection threshold, in patients with suspected central hearing disorders.

Advanced package of vestibular studies in patients with central and peripheral balance disorders that allows us to evaluate the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR), responsible for keeping stable the images we see during our daily movements. It includes the cephalic impulse test, advanced oculomotor tests, saccade study, positional tests and caloric test.

All patients with hearing or balance disorders require a complete analytical study (biochemistry, blood count and metabolic series), including the detection of neurotransmitters in plasma (Neuropanel) and the evaluation of total antioxidant status.

Abnormalities in the encephalic electrical activity (EEG) may justify alterations in the auditory or vestibular pathway, such as migraine, epilepsy or states of brain immaturity that lead to the origin of symptoms such as vertigo, tinnitus or central hearing disorders.

The Doppler ultrasound study measures the speed of blood flow through the blood vessels of the brain. In our department of Neuro-Otorhinolaryngology it is especially useful for the diagnosis of vertebrobasilar insufficiency.

CT and MRI of the ear with study of the posterior fossa.

Panel of the main genes involved in hearing loss or risk of vertigo-related diseases.

Use of specific tests for patients with central auditory disorders or with repercussions on quality of life due to instability or tinnitus.

Voice pathology

Together with videoendoscopy, stroboscopy provides a more accurate image of vocal fold motility by using an intermittent light synchronized with the frequency of the vocal cycle, diagnosing superficial lesions or disorders of chordal kinetics primary or secondary to neurological lesions.

The PRAAT software is an excellent tool for a visual and functional study of voice and speech, and allows for therapeutic follow-up.

Functional brain tests such as functional near-infrared spectrometry (fNIRS) are a valuable tool for the study of speech and language disorders.

Brain electrical activity allows the identification of maturational delays, focal abnormalities or desynchronizations in patients with language-related disorders.

Cranial MRI.

Use of specific tests for patients with speech and language disorders.

Taste and smell disorders

Olfactory loss is a disability that can be assessed through the use of subjective tests. Olfactometry is not only effective in the primary study of olfaction, but can be a useful tool in the detection of central disorders such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease.

With gustometry we evaluate the existence of an excessive sensitivity to flavors (hypergeusia).

Objective tests that demonstrate the existence or not of an arousal reaction to the olfactory or gustatory stimulus.

 Cranial MRI.

Head and neck tumors

  • Endocavitary endocavitary videoendoscopic endocavitary study
  • Laboratory: Laboratory tests (biochemistry, blood count and metabolic series), tumor markers and total antioxidant study.
  • Risk genetics
  • Imaging studies: cervicothoracic CT and cranial MRI.

Respiratory inflammatory diseases

  • Videoendoscopic endocavitary study
  • Laboratory: analytical tests (biochemistry, blood count and metabolic series) and ELISA test for allergens and total antioxidant study.
  • Imaging tests: Breast MRI
  • Functional respiratory test (spirometry)
  • Risk genetics
  • Olfactometry

Neuro-otorhinolaryngological Pathology

  • Central and peripheral disorders of balance.
  • Central auditory processing
  • Genetic deafness and infantile hypoacusis
  • Tinnitus therapy
  • Smell and taste alterations
  • Functional endoscopic evaluation of swallowing disorders.
  • Organic and functional pathology of the voice and speech and language disorders.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Peripheral facial paralysis
  • General Otorhinolaryngologic Pathology

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