Among the most frequent neurodegenerative diseases are Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, among others.
In order to contribute to the diagnosis of these diseases, we perform the following protocols:
- Basic Assessment Protocol:
- Brief cognitive tracking
- Affective-behavioral assessment
- Functional evaluation
- Dementia Assessment Protocol:
- Comprehensive assessment of cognitive impairment (attention, memory and executive functions, among others).
- Affective-behavioral assessment
- Functional evaluation
- Parkinson's Disease Assessment Protocol:
- Assessment of cognitive impairment (attention, memory, executive functions and visuospatial function, among others).
- Evaluation of motor skills
- Affective-behavioral assessment
- Functional evaluation
Acquired Brain Injury can be due to cerebrovascular accidents (ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes) and traumatic brain injury.
To evaluate the consequences of Acquired Brain Injury we performed the following protocol:
- Acquired Brain Injury Protocol:
- Evaluation of higher mental abilities:
- Care evaluation
- Language evaluation
- Memory evaluation
- Evaluation of executive functions
- Assessment of visuoperceptive and visuospatial skills
- Assessment of praxias
- Affective-behavioral assessment
In order to contribute to the diagnosis of affective and psychiatric pathologies, such as anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, EuroEspes has the following protocols:
- Neuropsychiatric Protocol:
- General cognitive performance evaluation
- Affective-behavioral assessment
- Affective Evaluation Protocol
Neurodevelopmental disorders include intellectual disability, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and learning disorders, among others.
In order to contribute to the diagnosis of these disorders we perform the following assessments:
- Neurodevelopmental assessment: individualized and personalized assessment of the different neurodevelopmental disorders through the use of instruments such as Brunet-Lézine, Cumanin, Batelle, Enfen, etc.
- Assessment of general intellectual aptitude and cognitive skills using the WISC-V scale.