
School Failure

To understand a genius you have to know them, because some children function differently and it is essential to delve into the causes to know how their big little brains work.


Something is wrong at school

Why is this happening to my child, what is the cause?

When a child does not do well at school, it is a source of stress for the family, who undoubtedly want the best for their child. The bad grades generally start and this situation makes parents not know what to do with their children.

We have the idea that a good academic average is a one-way ticket to college and a good future, so it's normal that when our child does poorly, we get anxious.

The term "school failure" refers to the idea of a loser, of frustration, and can contribute both to lowering the self-esteem of those who do not obtain a diploma and to generating a social stigma.

If your school or home detects difficulties in your child, you can study and implement the necessary actions to overcome them: more attention to the child, special classes, adaptation of educational objectives, etc.
But the question that parents ask themselves is....



How the child behaves

Every Child 1 Genius is a program whose initial objective is to explain the cause of these behaviors and, therefore, to offer a treatment aimed at solving the problem at its origins.

If we ask the students, they usually simply answer that it is very difficult for them to do some of the tasks they are required to do well. On the other hand, if we ask those who are in charge of them, what they say is that they are distracted, lazy, inconstant, children who do not pay attention to what they are doing. However, a child is the most inquisitive and curious being that exists, capable of anything to obtain information and explanation of everything around him. It is only when they are unhealthy or have biological difficulties that this overflowing and overwhelmingly curious activity is "turned off".


It is usually a child who has difficulty in reading comprehension, in the interpretation of language, who sometimes alters the order of letters, who finds it difficult to understand oral language, who lacks concentration, who is impulsive, whose level of attention is not constant or sufficient, who is not connected in real time to what is happening, who lacks the maturity to understand what is happening around him, who finds it difficult to maintain a proper posture, who is disorderly....


How the child's head works

The child's brain is in continuous development, with sometimes vertiginous growth, and subject to endless modifications and connections due to the continuous stimulation provided by the environment in which it grows.

It is essential to know the development of the nervous system and its different stages in order to understand the deficits that can occur due to atypical brain development or damage to the brain at an early age. Depending on when these anomalies or injuries occur (during pregnancy, in the perinatal period or during childhood), their repercussions will vary.

With appropriate intervention it is possible to mitigate to a greater or lesser degree, and in some cases even eliminate, the negative consequences or symptoms produced by the disorder in question.


What we can find

Within the problems linked to brain maturation, which are not static, but evolve, starting in childhood and expressing themselves differently at different stages of growth, we can distinguish two large groups:

Well-identified diseases with a clear genetic link, such as Fragile X Syndrome, Williams Syndrome, Angelman Syndrome, Prader Willi Syndrome, etc.

They do not have a well-defined cause, although it is known that they depend on a genetic susceptibility. Their prevalence is very high. Overall they are present in 10-20% of the child population. Among the best known are attention deficit disorders with or without hyperactivity (ADHD), autism spectrum disorders (ASD), dyslexia, language disorders, etc.


ADHD and school failure

It is characterized by manifest symptoms of inattention and/or impulsivity-hyperactivity. Subtypes are presented depending on whether the predominant symptom is attention deficit, hyperactivity-impulsivity or whether both are equivalent.

Symptoms usually manifest themselves between 6 and 9 years of age, showing difficulties in maintaining attention during school or leisure situations, and consequently finding it difficult to complete a task. Excessive motor activity is reflected in children running and jumping excessively, fidgeting while sitting and reduced self-control ( impulsive), leading to inappropriate behaviors(disobedience, poor awareness of danger, etc.)

The main manifestations of each of the symptoms are:

Children with ADHD are more emotionally unstable, anxious and insecure. Late detection can trigger academic and social interaction problems, as well as problems in the family environment.

  • Lack of attention to detail and careless mistakes.
  • Difficulty sustaining attention in play tasks or activities.
  • Easily distracted by irrelevant stimuli.
  • He does not seem to listen when spoken to directly.
  • Does not follow instructions or complete tasks.
  • Has difficulty organizing tasks and activities.
  • Avoid as much as possible tasks that require sustained mental effort.
  • Is careless in daily activities.
  • Stirs in the seat or moves hands and feet excessively.
  • Stands up in situations where he should remain seated.
  • Excess energy.
  • Excessive running or jumping in inappropriate situations (in adults, feeling of restlessness).
  • Difficulties to play or engage in leisure activities.
  • He talks excessively.
  • He rushes through his answers without finishing the question.
  • You have difficulty keeping your shift.
  • Interrupts or intrudes on the activities of others.

What is "Every Child 1 Genius"?


This plan is extended to adolescents and young people with learning difficulties, attention deficit or with psychological and neurological complications that hinder their academic performance in high school and higher education.


The EuroEspes Medical Center is launching "Every child 1 genius", a specific program designed to help educators and parents to identify early performance deficits at school, its prevention in at-risk groups, and a therapeutic plan to optimize the evolution of school-age children.

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