

International Center for Neurosciences and Genomic Medicine

The EuroEspes International Center for Neurosciences and Genomic Medicine bases its activity on cutting-edge Personalized Medicine using all the diagnostic and therapeutic resources provided by structural and functional genomics, epigenetics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics.

EuroEspes is an International Reference Center in Genomic Medicine, especially dedicated to diseases of the nervous system and other prevalent diseases (cardiovascular diseases, cancer, metabolic disorders and any genetically based pathology).

The three major pathologies that account for 80% of morbidity and mortality in developed countries are cardiovascular diseases ( 25-35%), cancer (20-30%) and brain disorders (10-20%). Of these prevalent diseases, 80-90% have a multifactorial pathogenesis in which genomic and environmental factors converge. Although these diseases can occur at any age, in more than 70% of cases they are age-dependent pathologies, which accumulate with age, increasing their prevalence in adulthood and old age. Consequently, they are diseases that develop throughout life and, therefore, are predictable with the appropriate predictive procedures, and susceptible to prevention, since when they manifest themselves they have already been undermining our organism for decades.


One of the priorities of the International Center for Neurosciences and Genomic Medicine is the implementation of Prevention Plans for prevalent diseases in order to identify them in pre-symptomatic or early stages and to be able to intervene prophylactically on them so that they do not manifest themselves, delay their onset or can be intervened therapeutically in an effective way with personalized protocols of individual pharmacogenetics.

Our Diagnostic Protocol includes multiple batteries of tests

customized to suit the needs of each patient.

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